How to Build: Clerics
What Would (insert god’s name here) Do? by: B.J. Guest In this “How to Build” guide, we will be diving into the faith-based warriors of the D&D universe known as...
Lets build a Tabaxi – D&D's Cat Race
Author: Chris Katrev The Tabaxi race in D&D offers potent advantages, particularly for classes emphasizing stealth and agility like Bards and Rogues. Their racial traits, including skill proficiencies and unique...
Lets Build an Eladrin Elf in 5E
Author: Chris Katrev Building an Eladrin in 5E The Eladrin stands as a cornerstone in Dungeons & Dragons lore, embodying the essence of elves deeply rooted in the mystical Feywild. Over...
Building a Grung in 5E
Author: Chris Katrev In 2017, Wizards of the Coast released One Grung Above as part of their annual fundraising campaign for Extra Life. This 4-page PDF primarily consists of character...
Building a Warforged in 5E
Author: Chris Katrev Warforged have become a beloved choice among players in 5th Edition Dungeons &Dragons since their debut in "Eberron: Rising From The Last War." The concept of magical...
Building a Shifter in 5E
Author: Chris Katrev Originating in Eberron during the 3rd edition, the shifter represents a predominantly human-like humanoid with ancestral ties to lycanthropy. At the heart of shifter mechanics lies the Shifting...
D&D 5e: Let’s Build A Tabaxi!
Author: Rhenn Anthony Taguiam Did curiosity kill the cat? Not the Tabaxi. In Dungeons & Dragons 5e, adventurers who see Tabaxi will always find them searching for magic items,...
D&D 5e: Let’s Build A Kobold!
Author: Rhenn Anthony Taguiam Aside from Goblins, it’s the Kobold in Dungeons & Dragons 5e that gets a bad rep for being “stereotypical” minions. These humanoids have distant relations...
D&D 5e: Let’s Build A Goliath!
Author: Rhenn Anthony Taguiam Goliaths are proud mounter dwellers, using their attunement to the cold winds and hard rocks to build their fortitude and physical prowess. They see their...
D&D 5e: Let’s Build A Goblin!
Author: Rhenn Anthony Taguiam Goblins get typecast as mischievous comedians, greedy underlings, and high-pitched minions protecting treasure. However, in Dungeons & Dragons 5e, Goblins in settings such as the...
D&D 5e: Let’s Build A Genasi!
Genasi let players become the children of genies and mortals, making them capable of exploring the Elemental Planes where ordinary mortals would perish. In Dungeons & Dragons 5e, Genasi are...
D&D 5e: Let’s Build A Gith!
The Gith are an ancestry formerly enslaved by the Illithids which are, after their freedom, divided into two kinds: the strong and agile githyanki and the wise and intelligent githzerai....