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D&D 5e: Let’s Build A Bugbear!

When you hear Bugbear, you'll most likely imagine a hulking miniboss to face adventurers at the end of a Dungeons & Dragons 5e session. And chances are, you won't likely...

D&D 5e: Let’s Build A Firbolg!

Players of Dungeons & Dragons 5e may have only heard of Firbolg from the 5e Monster Manual. However, outside their relationship with giant-kin, Firbolg live reclusive lives with their families...

D&D 5e: Let’s Build A Kenku!

Author: Rhenn Anthony Taguiam   Meta Description: The crow-like Kenku in Dungeons & Dragons 5e are more than just minions to an adventure's villains. This D&D 5e guide will help...

D&D 5e: Let’s Build A Half-Orc!

Author: Rhenn Anthony Taguiam   Meta Description: Half-Orcs in Dungeons & Dragons 5e find it difficult to explore the world due to their mixed heritage. Let's use their interesting stories...

D&D 5e: Let’s Build A Dragonborn!

Author: Rhenn Anthony Taguiam   Meta Description: Dragonborn in Dungeons & Dragons 5e are commonly associated with order and knighthood. In this guide, we’ll see how these D&D 5e humanoids...

D&D 5e: Let’s Build A Tiefling!

Author: Rhenn Anthony Taguiam   Meta Description: A Tiefling's infernal heritage becomes a hallmark of their existence in Dungeons & Dragons 5e. In this D&D 5e guide, we'll explore how...

D&D 5e: Let’s Build A Human!

Author: Rhenn Anthony Taguiam   Meta Description: Humans in Dungeons & Dragons 5e don't always have to be the "typical" knights, mercenaries, and wizards. In this D&D 5e guide, we'll...

D&D 5e: Let’s Build A Gnome!

Author: Rhenn Anthony Taguiam   Meta Description: Gnomes in Dungeons & Dragons 5e usually have a knack for invention and innovation. However, in this D&D 5e guide, we'll explore how...

D&D 5e: Let’s Build A Halfling!

Author: Rhenn Anthony Taguiam   Meta Description: Halflings tend to be the stereotypical D&D 5e character with itchy fingers. However, in this Dungeons & Dragons 5e guide, we'll expand your...

D&D 5e: Let’s Build A Warforged!

Of all ancestries in Dungeons & Dragons 5e, it's perhaps the Warforged that offer one of the most interesting dynamics in parties. Unlike other ancestries, Warforged are mechanized beings gifted...

D&D 5e: Let’s Build A Yuan-Ti!

Players who want another take on Dragonborn can play a Yuan-Ti in Dungeons & Dragons 5e. While Dragonborn descend from dragons, Yuan-Ti come from serpents. They have a natural affinity...

D&D 5e: Let’s Build An Aarakocra!

Aside from Tieflings and Dragonborn, Aarakocra in Dungeons & Dragons 5e can soar the skies with their wings. Whereas Tieflings and Dragonborn need Feats to grant them flight, Aarakocra get...