How to Build: Warlocks
Keeper of Pacts and Secrets by: B.J. Guest Sitting crisscrossed on the floor of a ragged inn’s room, focusing your mind on your magic ability, you feel heat rush in...
How to Build: Sorcerers
Magic Out of Thin Air by: B.J. Guest Raising your hands up towards the charging minotaur, you begin to mumble the semantic components of the spell. You cast your...
How to Build: Rogues
Sneaky Sneak and Stealy Steal By: B.J. Guest Dashing between the shadows, picking the most difficult of locks, tapping a series of knocks on a tavern’s table sending a...
How to Build: Rangers
Making Their Mark By: B.J. Guest Tracking their prey silently through the lush forest, notch an arrow, pull the string back, hold your breath, release. The arrow travels through the...
How to Build: Paladins
On a Mission from (a) God Paladins are the big damage dealing, heavy armor wearing, warriors of a god they worship. Like clerics, paladins gain their magical abilities from the god...
How to Build: Monk
By; B.J. Guest Have an affinity for old cheesy kung fu movies? Love to play fast-moving physical characters in your D&D games? Then playing a monk may be for you! In this...
How to Build: Fighter
There are no Wrong Choices by: B.J. Guest When writing these How to Build articles, my prep consists of pouring through the different races within the Dungeons & Dragons 5E...
How to Build: Druids
Wizards of the Wood By: B.J. Guest Hidden deep in the lush Ardeep Forest, wandering the dry hot sand of the Anauroch desert, carefully navigating the swamplands of the Mere...
How to Build: Bards
Bards: Roll for Seduction by: B.J. Guest Bards are the silver tongues of the adventuring party. This class solve their problems using their wit and cunning rather than resort to violence. ...
How to Build: Barbarians
Barbarians - Throwing Tantrums Since 1982 by: B.J. Guest Barbarians in D&D are the rage-filled, the strongman of the party. Better known for brute attacks with a greataxe than using their...