How Does Starting Gold work in DND

When it comes to rewards for adventuring, nothing quite compares to

good old gold—whether it's shiny doubloons, regal sovereigns, or

whatever creative coinage your Dungeon Master has conjured up.

Earning riches is one of the most satisfying aspects of your journey, and

if you embark on a few successful quests, you might find yourself with

more gold than you know what to do with.

But what about the beginning of your journey? As the saying goes, it

takes money to make money. Without some essential provisions,

weapons, and gear, you may not last long enough to enjoy the fruits of

your adventures. Let's explore how starting gold works in the Dungeons

& Dragons 2024 revision and what you need to kick off your heroic


It is actually incredibly easy. Characters have the option to choose

between a specific package of equipment associated with their class

and background or a specific amount of gold pieces based on their class

and background. This flexibility allows players to tailor their starting

gear to better fit their character concept and the campaign they are


The equipment packages typically include items that reflect the

character's background, ensuring they have relevant tools and supplies

for their journey. For example, a soldier might receive armor and

weapons, while a sage may start with writing materials and scholarly

books. This choice emphasizes the character's past experiences and

helps them feel more connected to their story from the outset.

Here is all the equipment and gold a character receives based on their



Choose A or B:

A: Greataxe, 4 Handaxes, Explorer’s Pack, and 15 GP

B: 75 GP


Choose A or B:

A: Leather Armor, 2 Daggers, Musical Instrument of your choice,

Entertainer’s Pack, and 19 GP

B: 90 GP


Choose A or B:

A: Chain Shirt, Shield, Mace, Holy Symbol, Priest’s Pack, and 7 GP

B: 110 GP


Choose A or B:

A: Leather Armor, Shield, Sickle, Druidic Focus (Quarterstaff),

Explorer’s Pack, Herbalism Kit, and 9 GP

B: 50 GP


Choose A, B, or C:

A: Chain Mail, Greatsword, Flail, 8 Javelins, Dungeoneer’s Pack,

and 4 GP

B: Studded Leather Armor, Scimitar, Shortsword, Longbow, 20

Arrows, Quiver, Dungeoneer’s Pack, and 11 GP

C: 155 GP


Choose A or B:

A: Spear, 5 Daggers, Artisan’s Tools or Musical Instrument,

Explorer’s Pack, and 11 GP

B: 50 GP


Choose A or B:

A: Spear, 5 Daggers, Artisan’s Tools or Musical Instrument,

Explorer’s Pack, and 11 GP

B: 50 GP

Choose A or B:

A: Chain Mail, Shield, Longsword, 6 Javelins, Holy Symbol, Priest’s

Pack, and 9 GP

B: 150 GP


Choose A or B:

A: Studded Leather Armor, Scimitar, Shortsword, Longbow, 20

Arrows, Quiver, Druidic Focus (sprig of mistletoe), Explorer’s Pack,

and 7 GP

B: 150 GP


Choose A or B:

A: Leather Armor, 2 Daggers, Shortsword, Shortbow, 20 Arrows,

Quiver, Thieves’ Tools, Burglar’s Pack, and 8 GP

B: 100 GP


Choose A or B:

A: Spear, 2 Daggers, Arcane Focus (crystal), Dungeoneer’s Pack,

and 28 GP

B: 50 GP


Choose A or B:

A: Leather Armor, Sickle, 2 Daggers, Arcane Focus (orb), Book

(occult lore), Scholar’s Pack, and 15 GP

B: 100 GP


Choose A or B:

A: 2 Daggers, Arcane Focus (Quarterstaff), Robe, Spellbook,

Scholar’s Pack, and 5 GP

B: 55 GP

Characters also receive equipment or gold based on their background.

Here is what you receive based on your background:


Choose A or B:

A: Calligrapher’s Supplies, Book (prayers), Holy Symbol,

Parchment (10 sheets), Robe, and 8 GP

B: 50 GP


Choose A or B:

A: Artisan’s Tools, 2 Pouches, Traveler’s Clothes, and 32 GP

B: 50 GP


Choose A or B:

A: Forgery Kit, Costume, Fine Clothes, and 15 GP

B: 50 GP


Choose A or B:

A: 2 Daggers, Thieves’ Tools, Crowbar, 2 Pouches, Traveler’s

Clothes, and 16 GP

B: 50 GP


Choose A or B:

A: Musical Instrument, 2 Costumes, Mirror, Perfume, Traveler’s

Clothes, and 11 GP

B: 50 GP


Choose A or B:

A: Sickle, Carpenter’s Tools, Healer’s Kit, Iron Pot, Shovel,

Traveler’s Clothes, and 30 GP

B: 50 GP


Choose A or B:

 A: Spear, Light Crossbow, 20 Bolts, Gaming Set, Hooded Lantern,

Manacles, Quiver, Traveler’s Clothes, and 12 GP

 B: 50 GP


Choose A or B:

A: Shortbow, 20 Arrows, Cartographer’s Tools, Bedroll, Quiver,

Tent, Traveler’s Clothes, and 3 GP

B: 50 GP


Choose A or B:

A: Quarterstaff, Herbalism Kit, Bedroll, Book (philosophy), Lamp,

Oil (3 flasks), Traveler’s Clothes, and 16 GP

B: 50 GP


Choose A or B:

A: Navigator’s Tools, 2 Pouches, Traveler’s Clothes, and 22 GP

B: 50 GP


Choose A or B:

A: Gaming Set, Fine Clothes, Perfume, and 29 GP

B: 50 GP


Choose A or B:

A: Quarterstaff, Calligrapher’s Supplies, Book (history), Parchment

(8 sheets), Robe, and 8 GP

B: 50 GP


Choose A or B:

A: Dagger, Navigator’s Tools, Rope, Traveler’s Clothes, and 20 GP

B: 50 GP


Choose A or B:

A: Calligrapher’s Supplies, Fine Clothes, Lamp, Oil (3 flasks),

Parchment (12 sheets), and 23 GP

B: 50 GP


Choose A or B:

A: Spear, Shortbow, 20 Arrows, Gaming Set, Healer’s Kit, Quiver,

Traveler’s Clothes, and 14 GP

B: 50 GP


Choose A or B:

A: 2 Daggers, Thieves’ Tools, Gaming Set, Bedroll, 2 Pouches,

Traveler’s Clothes, and 16 GP

B: 50 GP

Over all starting gold offers players flexibility in shaping their characters

and ensures each one starts prepared for adventure.