DND Gods & Norse Pantheons

The Norse pantheon, also known as the Asgardian pantheon, featuresprominently in several canonical Dungeons & Dragons works. Thesegods are worshiped on hundreds of worlds throughout the multiverse. Members The Norse...

How do Healing Potions work in DND

The new Dungeons & Dragons 2024 rules introduce a highly anticipatedchange: players can now use healing potions as a Bonus Action. Thismarks a significant departure from the 5th Edition mechanics,...

How Does Starting Gold work in DND

When it comes to rewards for adventuring, nothing quite compares togood old gold—whether it's shiny doubloons, regal sovereigns, orwhatever creative coinage your Dungeon Master has conjured up.Earning riches is one...

DND How Does Grappling Work

In the Dungeons & Dragons 2024 rules, grappling remains a key combattactic for controlling the movement and actions of an opponent. Grapple To initiate a grapple, the attacker must force...

Point Buy and How Does it Work in DND

Author: Chris Katrev How does point buy work in D&D 5th edition? Character creation stands as a pivotal moment in the early stages of any Dungeons & Dragons campaign. Before delving...

A Guide to Two Weapon Fighting in DND

Author: Chris Katrev In D&D 5th edition, dual-wielding, also known as two-weapon fighting, enables your character to wield two weapons simultaneously—one in each hand. Additionally, the Dual Wielder feat enhances both...

Running a False Hydra in your DND Game

Author: Chris KatrevRunning a False Hydra in your Game Session In recent years, Dungeons & Dragons has witnessed a substantial surge in popularity, propelled by actual play shows like Critical Role...