In the Dungeons & Dragons 2024 rules, grappling remains a key combat
tactic for controlling the movement and actions of an opponent.

To initiate a grapple, the attacker must force the target to succeed on a
Strength or Dexterity saving throw, whichever the target prefers. If the
target fails this save, it gains the Grappled condition.
The saving throw DC for the grapple and any escape attempts is
calculated by adding 8 to your Strength modifier and your Proficiency
Bonus. A creature can grapple a target that is no more than one size
larger than itself; for example, a Medium creature could grapple a Large
creature, but not a Huge one. Additionally, the grappler must have at
least one hand free to successfully initiate a grapple, meaning
characters or monsters using weapons or abilities need to be mindful of
how many hands are occupied.

Grappled condition
Once a grapple is successful, the target gains the Grappled condition,
which imposes several key effects. While Grappled, the target's Speed
becomes 0 and cannot increase, preventing any movement or actions
reliant on mobility until they break free from the grapple. The target
also suffers Disadvantage on attack rolls against any target other than
the grappler, reflecting the difficulty of striking an enemy while
restrained. Furthermore, the grappler can drag or carry the Grappled
creature, but every foot of movement costs the grappler an extra foot,
making it less efficient to move with a restrained target unless the
target is significantly smaller.

Ending a Grapple
A Grappled creature can use its Action to attempt to escape by making
a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check against the
grappler’s escape DC. If successful, the Grappled condition ends,
allowing the creature to move freely. Other scenarios that can
automatically end a grapple include the grappler becoming
Incapacitated or if the distance between the grappler and the Grappled
creature exceeds the grapple's effective range.
Grappling is a versatile mechanic, especially when combined with
certain class features, feats, or magical effects that enhance grappling
capabilities. However, grappling does come with limitations, such as the
need for a free hand and the inability to perform other tasks with the
grappling limb. Despite being restrained, grappled creatures retain full
use of their abilities and can attack or cast spells as long as those
actions do not require movement.
This updated system refines and clarifies the rules on grappling,
ensuring a balanced mix of tactical depth and simplicity, allowing both
players and monsters to use grappling to gain an advantage on the

Drew Foulke